Freedom to Choose


«The smoking ban stinks!»

Niemand wird gerne verarscht


«In my opinion the current social marketing campaigns [about the risk of passive smoking] are deliberately designed to deceive people to make them change behaviour.
How far do we take this? At what point does it become unacceptable to deliberately present information in a deceptive way to make people change their behaviour? You have to make a decision, and I have made mine: bad science in a good cause is bad science

– Davies, John B – Professor of Psychology

Carolus Magnus

Freidenker, Rebell und Nonkonformist schreibt provokativ, konzis, unkonventionell und unmißverständlich über/gegen das grassierende, genußfeindliche, puritanische Weltbild in unserer Gesellschaft. Stilmittel: Satire, Provokation, Humor, Karikatur und knallharte Facts. Ein MultiMediaMagazin für Jeden.

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